Blog / Malware infecting Home Office Routers There's a new bit of Malware out there that you may have heard of: it's called VPNFilter. What it does is take over your router (and some NAS devices), in order to monitor your traffic and steal information (login credentials, etc.) June 04, 2018
Blog / Too Many Cooks Spoil Security It's always better to make sure things are as simple as possible. What this means is that the less software and less hardware you use, the fewer ways there are for someone to attack you. By reducing the number of tools in your company, you reduce your "Attack Surface" and make it harder for someone to compromise your network.  May 30, 2018
Blog / Keeping Your Kids Safe Online! – Safety Tips & Guides It's always nice to receive feedback on our newsletters. It doesn't matter if it is good, bad, or indifferent. Any way you slice it, we're either getting information on something to improve, or something we're doing well. Obviously, we like to hear about how great we're doing, as who doesn't like to find out that they are performing a good job!? April 18, 2018

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