Blog / The Stormy Side of Cloud Services Storm Clouds Representing Cloud Services Causing Problems Some Cloud Services Could Lead to Turbulence For Your Organization Cloud services have become incredibly prolific over the last few years. Different clouds have appeared in various forms over the decades, but recently they’ve become substantially more popular and can be found in organizations of every size. It’s reached the point that some organizations and […] April 30, 2024
Blog / The End of Windows 10 Windows 11 upgrade prompt on desktop screen Are you ready for Windows 11? On October 14, 2025, Windows 10 will reach its End-of-Life (EoL). To be fair, that doesn’t sound troubling since it’s well over a year away still. But perhaps a better way to phrase the statement, at least when it comes to your computer fleet’s OS, would be to say […] April 16, 2024
Blog / Disaster Recovery Plans and Infrastructure Disaster Recovery Plans ready to be activated by a big red button! Properly Prioritizing Items In Your Disaster Recovery Plans. Hopefully it comes as no surprise to anyone that, regardless of your organization type—whether it’s a private business, a non-profit, a municipality, etc.—it must abide by some kind of regulations or legislation. The exact rule sets vary, but regardless of whether they’re addressing payment card data standards […] April 09, 2024
Blog / Setting Up Secure Water Treatment Plants Water Treatment Plants in a rural field The Dangers of Unsecured Water Treatment Plants Water treatment plants are everywhere. That’s because there are serious challenges involved in transporting water. For one, it flows downhill easily, but sending it uphill is a different story and requires pipes, pumps, and the energy to run them. Pipelines are expensive and impractical, and there are plenty […] April 02, 2024
Blog / Using User Permissions Properly Administrator level user permissions login and password screen Who gets which user permissions can be a thorny issue. When it comes to cybersecurity, giving employees the appropriate user permissions is essential. While the specific technical issues can be complicated, the overall idea of user permissions is pretty simple; different types of users are given different degrees of access to different systems according to […] March 26, 2024
Blog / Clear Communication Is Crucial When Things Go Wrong Incident Response Policies Notification Incident Response Policies and why your business needs one. Before getting into the details, let me be clear; one of the most important reasons why your organization needs an Incident Response Policy, or IRP, is for compliance. But I’ve written a lot about the importance of compliance with regulations like Alberta’s privacy legislation PIPA or […] March 19, 2024
Blog / Living in the Age of AI An AI face looking down on a person. Do you have policies regarding the use of AI? Recently I wrote about how artificial intelligence, or AI, was used to help create a deep fake that successfully scammed an organization out of a sizeable $35 million (CAD). Tools like ChatGPT and OpenArt have been growing in their scope, accuracy, flexibility, and importantly, business popularity, […] March 12, 2024
Blog / Critical Patches Need Quick Implementation Computer damaged by not taking a critical patches quickly enough. How long does your cybersecurity policy allow for installing critical patches? Having an official policy to both monitor for and quickly apply critical patches is important and has been a standard cybersecurity recommendation for a long time. Regulations and legislation like PCI-DSS or PIPA also require a formal policy regarding important updates. But beyond simple […] March 05, 2024
Blog / Deeply concerned about deep fakes? Deep fakes concept Here are two hundred million reasons why deep fakes are dangerous. Forgeries have been around for a long time, and we’re not talking about just fake signatures on false cheques. Back before everyone was carrying camera-phones around and uploading pictures to the internet, physical photos captured on film and developed in chemical baths were the […] February 27, 2024
Blog / Segregating Your Networks Visualization of segregated networks and how segregating your networks works When it comes to security and compliance, segregating your networks is a must. IT terminology can be daunting, but don’t worry, because computer networks aren’t; they’re simply groups of computers that communicate with each other. A network can range from just a few devices to fleets of hundreds and even thousands of computers, and they […] February 20, 2024

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