Blog / Cyber-Awareness and Cyber-Bullying Bullying is real. It exists and it happens. This is a fact that most people accept and understand. "Cyber-Bullying" is just as real and happens (probably more than you might think) July 13, 2017
Blog / Travel Plans Travel Plans SmartPhones and Laptops can be examined at border crossings I am getting ready for some overseas travel next week, and as it’s a business trip that involves technology, I am taking a lot of it with me – 2 laptops, a tablet, and of course my SmartPhone. There was a timely information segment […] March 02, 2017
Blog / Hot Potato! Hot Potato! Regular backups are a necessary evil that no one wants to deal with By far the most common question/complaint we get when talking to clients concerns backups. It’s almost universally accepted that they need to be done, but few want the responsibility of taking care of them. February 22, 2017
Blog / If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It Lack of proactive maintenance and replacements hits client hard My Dad always believed in preventative car maintenance.  Not only did he want to insure we had a good vehicle to use, he also loved to tinker with cars at the local garage. I got to tag along. This […] February 09, 2017
Blog / Be Prepared! Be Prepared! Contrasting approaches to Virus Countermeasures Impact Operations for 2 Clients I remember attending Boy Scouts as a youth.  The motto Be Prepared was drilled into us every week.  To reinforce it, they taught us lessons on how to build a campfire and cook over it, how to tie knots properly, and other skills […] February 06, 2017
Blog / You’re Busted! You’re Busted! Latest SPAM plays on basic human fear of getting caught speeding It was bound to happen sooner or later.  The hackers are sending out speeding tickets.  With just about every jurisdiction in North America using photo radar cameras to enforce speed limits and traffic laws, most of us are accustomed to receiving their […] January 30, 2017
Blog / Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep … Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep … Complacent professional corporation is a ripe target for information theft I recently spent the better part of 2 days in a professional office in downtown Edmonton for meetings.  It wasn’t one of our clients; I was there representing someone else.  There was lots of downtime between sessions, […] January 16, 2017
Blog / More Stuff You Might Not Need More Stuff You Might Not Need Upcoming Trends in Technology from the Consumer Electronics Show About every other year, a colleague and I attend the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.  Yes, we have some fun, but the intent is to pick up on industry trends for future technologies that will be coming to […] January 13, 2017
Blog / Appropriate Technology Appropriate Technology Of paper, highlighters and calculators I recently had to prepare for a series of meetings.  My task was to review and distill about 5,000 pages of information into a timeline, picking out the important milestones and organizing them into something I could use for reference as the meetings progressed. The source documents were […] January 10, 2017
Blog / Pretty In Pink Pretty in Pink What’s it take to track down and eradicate a hacker attack … No, this is not a review of the 1986 movie starring Molly Ringwald; I’ve never even seen it – and from reading a few online reviews, I don’t want to. But it does refer to a recent episode whereby one […] January 02, 2017

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