Blog / Windows 10

Trinus is recommending caution when considering an upgrade to Windows 10, especially for early adopters.  While Microsoft claims that the upgrade will be seamless there are bound to be minor (and possibly major) issues that will need to be ironed out before widespread adoption of the new operating system is recommended. Simple things like Printers, Accounting Software, and Anti-Virus Software may not be initially compatible with Windows 10 for the first few months of its rollout. This caution is especially important for any companies using computers in their business as the upgrade may break certain business essential functionality until updates and patches are provided down the line.

There is a concern about the method Microsoft is using to roll out Windows 10.  It is appearing now as an icon in the “system tray” in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.  It looks like a Windows logo and when hovering over it with your mouse it says “Get Windows 10”. Not all users see this icon. Clicking on this icon will reserve a copy of Windows 10 for you.  A few days before the July 29th release date, the Windows 10 files will be downloaded to your computer in preparation for the upgrade process on July 29th.

Trinus is recommending that you do NOT click on the Windows 10 upgrade icon; there will be very little control over the upgrade process and you may be forced into an upgrade that would be difficult to roll back. It may also negatively impact your available Internet speed and bandwidth.

After Windows 10 has matured over a few months and many of the major kinks have been ironed out Trinus will then begin to recommend that you upgrade your device(s) to the newer operating system.

Upgrading the operating system on a modern device can turn out to be far more complicated than advertised, if you require assistance performing the upgrade to Windows 10 or if you would like advice on whether Windows 10 is right for you, Trinus will be providing full migration services to ensure the upgrade on your device is handled as smoothly as possible.

If you have any questions about Windows 10 or when to upgrade please contact the Trinus Computer Centre at 780-968-1333.

If you would like to see what is different about Windows 10, feel free to stop by our Computer Centre anytime as we have a couple of displays running a preview of Windows 10 for you to try out and interact with.

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